Custom Software can be a very cost effective solution to frustrating business problems.
The following are some examples of custom software that we have done. This may give you some ideas as to what custom software can do and how it might be beneficial to your particular business needs.
A program that keeps track of hospital admissions using Microsoft Access
This program tracks the whole process of auditing an admission. It flags selected admissions for review and tracked the whole review and appeal process.
An order status program using .NET and C#
This program analyzes the folder and files names of a directory structure and creates a spreadsheet view of the status of the in-process jobs the folders represent and shows what documents are missing from in-complete jobs. This program was created in lieu of a database because it was more natural and faster than retraining the uses.
An international shipping program using Microsoft Access
This program tracks more than 30 individual shipping costs in a complicated over-seas shipping business. All costs are rolled up and shown in a spreadsheet view with drill-down individual costs so management can compare estimated vs. actual costs and margins.
A PDF page splitter using Python
This program takes each page from a PDF file and creates a seperate page for individual resale.
A specialized inventory program using Microsoft Access
A time program using Microsoft Access
An administration program that allows editing the database of a remote website database written in C#. This was originally written by a client and then modified by us. This is an example of a database that is accessible from both the web and a desktop application. We used the best tool for the job in both cases.
Backup Solution
A custom archive program that copies the data from a website written in Visual Basic (Written by a client with major modifications by us)
This program keeps a backup web server in sync with the primary webserver.
Our expert analysts will guide you in making a selection between a custom desktop program and a website. We have done many of each so we have the experience to assist you in making the correct decision.
Notice that on occasion we have taken over a program started by someone else. If you have a program that is sort of working but you need modifications or bug fixes we can help you in this situation also.